I Stopped Writing Because I Can’t Do It Perfectly

A new year should be exciting, full of new possibilities and opportunities to fulfil one’s unfulfilled dreams. Yet all I can think about are the things I should have done (but didn’t) last year. In my mostly untouched 2023 planner, I found that I had made many ambitious plans that never happened. I wanted to … Read more

MGP Chapter 7: Meet the Parents (1)

Chapter 7: Meet the Parents (1) ❦ In Questasis, the Cyance Republic was Lan’s frontier of science and technology—a steampunk-esque democracy founded on the continent of Lan, located in the barren lands north of Hiddel. Players who chose classes like [Sharpshooter], [Botanist] or [Cyborg] would begin the game in The Capitol of the Cyance Republic. … Read more

MGP Chapter 6: Already Have a Boyfriend, Sorry!

Chapter 6: Already Have a Boyfriend, Sorry! ❦ ‘Go home and marry the earl already!’ The admiral’s words didn’t seem to make sense at all. Cory felt the need to replay this cutscene, only it wasn’t a cutscene and it couldn’t be replayed. He glanced at Captain Regi’s reaction to her father’s command. The female … Read more

MGP Chapter 4: Let’s Surrender Before We Lose

Chapter 4: Let’s Surrender Before We Lose ❦ Despite Cory’s reservations, the trebuchet was assembled with practiced movements—as if they had done this many times before. The sail was removed and used to make a sturdy sling. Then, the chopped length of the mast was secured to the railing of the forecastle deck by its … Read more

SS Chapter 32: That Shapeshifter, Watching

Chapter 32: That Shapeshifter, Watching ❦ Shinji Makoto was brought over to the Magistrate’s Office for the Imperial Commissioner and Akihiko to interrogate him. Tsuguru followed along, his expression pinched and indecipherable. He remained silent as he watched his uncle being questioned about the murder of Nobuyuki, and then about the deaths of the two … Read more

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