XXX | Journey
I’m inside a poorly-driven bus
heading away
from the nameless chicken rice shop.
In my hand,
is a ticket.
Aspen gave it to me.
I was going to throw it
into the dustbin at the bus stop.
‘We’re going on a trip.
‘Come along and see the world for yourself.’
He smiled.
Satisfied with himself.
I glared at him.
But I pulled my hand back from the bin,
crushed the ticket in my fist.
Staring at it now,
I think it’s probably
not a real trip at all.
There’s a drawing
of a rowan tree
on the ticket.
like a photo captured by a brush.
no location,
no date,
no description,
no itinerary,
no price,
no terms and conditions.
Only a serial number in the corner:
NO. 501557615
and a line of text:
‘I’m not interested,’ I told Aspen.
But he ignored me.
So I was going to throw it away.
Aspen saw me off
at the entrance of the shop.
Rowan didn’t
but I saw her head sticking out
from behind the counter.
She’s so easy to read.
‘Rowan will be there,’
Aspen had said.
‘You?’ I had asked.
He grinned mischievously.
‘Of course I’ll be there too.’
I scowled.
I only wanted to go
to keep an eye on the creep.
It’s the last day of the term,
but we’re supposed
to go back to school
for a project work seminar
and there’s CCA meetings too.
More importantly,
Rowan hasn’t told me when is the trip.
When we do talk,
it’s only about project work.
If I wasn’t there when she asked
if I liked her back,
I wouldn’t be able to tell.
I corner her
with Ming and Kumar
after the final class.
She glances at us,
then goes back to packing her things.
‘Didn’t you say she’s bossy?
‘She’s quiet now.’
Ming grins.
‘Yeah. You know, Rizwan complains about you all the time.’
Kumar says.
Rowan swings her bag
over her shoulder.
‘I know.’
‘Let’s be friends.’
Kumar stretches out his hand.
Rowan gives him
her typical
expressionless expression.
She’s going to refuse.
I wait for the dry remark.
she takes his hand.
‘Nice to meet you at last.’
There’s a look
in Kumar’s eyes
I’ve never noticed before.
He’s always
goofy and playful
—a bit stupid sometimes—
that I forgot he’s a real person.
I grab Rowan’s hand—
the one in Kumar’s hand.
‘When is the trip?
‘There’s no info on the ticket.’
Kumar sticks his hands in his pockets.
Rowan looks at me,
then at her hand in mine.
I squeeze it.
Smirk inwardly.
The tips of her ears
turn angry red.
‘Where are you two going?’
Ming asks.
‘Somewhere. It’s a date.’
‘It’s not,’
Rowan says quickly.
We walk to the rowan tree
by the back gate
and I ditch Ming, Kumar and the rest of my friends.
I catch Shuhui staring at me.
I can’t tell what she’s thinking
but she waves goodbye.
‘See you tomorrow,’ she says.
I don’t correct her.
But someone else does.
‘Shuhui, it’s holiday tomorrow…’
‘Is it overseas? How do you know if I have a passport?’
We’re relatively
The rowan tree leaves
whisper above us.
She pulls her hand from mine,
rubs the red mark I left behind.
‘I was sure you weren’t coming,’
she says.
‘If I tell you,
‘will you still come?’
I grin.
‘Are you underestimating me?’
Rowan turns to the rowan tree.
A wind picks up
like it wants to join
our conversation.
The rowan leaves shift
and I swear
berries appear on some of the branches.
All of a sudden.
‘Once you step up to the rowan tree—’
The wind howls loudly,
drowning her out.
She raises her voice:
‘—the trip will begin.’